Water Irrigation Systems

Celsius Heating & Cooling Ballarat are also able to offer Water Irrigation installations for a range of applications – from small gardens to larger parks and playing fields.

Drought and water restrictions in many parts of Australia have remind us that water is a precious resource. Gardeners have found that their plants have survived, sometimes even thrived despite receiving less water due to restrictions. In other words, most gardens are regularly over-watered. Just because water restrictions permit watering at a certain times of the day doesn’t mean you need to water. Even where there are no restrictions we should all be doing our best to conserve water. Reducing the water you give your plants will also save you time, effort and money and you will still have a healthy garden.

There are many benefits of automatic irrigation, sprinkler systems and home watering systems.

  • Save time: No need to regularly hose the garden.
  • Save water: An automatic system uses less water than watering by hand.
  • Save money: Using less water means smaller water bills.

Contact us for an obligations free quote